Construction Fall Protection Is Important

The construction industry has been using fall protection for many years and it is only recently that serious contractors are starting to recognize the need to protect their employees when they are working on tall buildings. Falling from a ladder is one of the most dangerous occupational hazards for construction workers today. Although fall arrest systems have been around for some time, recent studies show that construction workers are particularly at risk of serious injury or fatality from falls on ladders. According to OSHA, fall arrest systems can help prevent serious accidents occurring on ladders by preventing the collapse and entrapment of the load. Many construction employers offer fall protection for their workers in the form of a fall arrest system, but not all of them are providing the appropriate safety devices. You can find out more about the construction safety for safety professionals on this home page.
Most construction employers are well aware of the need to incorporate fall protection into all aspects of their operations. However, it can be hard to determine if a construction company is taking all possible steps to protect its employees from falling. Some companies are doing an excellent job of making sure that there are safety measures in place, while others are not doing as much. There are two major factors involved when it comes to fall protection, the first being general industry standards and the second being specific construction project requirements. The following is a look at some of the general industry safety standards related to construction falls.
OSHA established general OSHA safety rules to provide basic protection for construction workers. These rules apply to both indoor and outdoor construction and mean that every construction site should have a properly marked exit and descent path from all levels, with clear signs for workers to see. OSHA also recommends that all workers wear protective shoes or boots to protect against falling objects, and they should check the soles of their shoes regularly to make sure that they have not worn down or broken any treads. For those that do fall, OSHA recommends that they maintain a distance of at least three feet between their feet and any falling object.
For indoor construction, the general rule is to use a one-foot extension whenever possible to provide workers with at least ten feet of distance from any falling material. However, if this cannot be done, an extension that gives the worker a five-foot walking distance between the heel and lower level shall be used. For outdoor construction, where demolition or remodeling is taking place, the rule is to use a three-foot extension when possible. For all other construction materials, the general rule is that workers are required to stand at least 18 inches away from the wall or other materials that could cause them to fall.
When it comes to construction, fall protection safety on the part of employees is especially important. An off-the-job accident can occur at any time and knowing what to do and how to do it during off hours can save a life. Construction employees should always wear a hard hat at all times, even when working indoors. Construction workers should also practice safety at all times. Employers should post rules and regulations in areas where employees work, and employees should know the procedures to follow to provide a safe work environment. If employees do not follow safety procedures, they can create a potentially dangerous situation.
By following proper construction safety procedures, employees can help to prevent the occurrence of construction-related hazards. Many safety techniques can be implemented, including frequent checkups by a supervisor to make sure the site is up to par. If a site does not meet standards, it may require extensive repairs. If fall protection for construction workers is not provided, the result can be tragic. Check out this post for more details related to this article: